Golf Distance Calculator

How far are you going to hit the ball when you get to your tournament or vacation golf course?
How much does elevation and swing speed affect my distance?
How far should I hit the ball?
*Please note that the distance a golf ball can fly is subject to numerous factors and swing speed and elevation are only two factors being considered above. This information is intended to serve as an estimate and it should not be taken as an absolute fact.
How do you compare to other golfers?

The average male golfer drives the ball 226 yards, while the average female golfer drives it 177 yards. Golfers also tend to hit the ball shorter as they get older. For example, a scratch golfer loses 37 yards of driving distance between their 30s and 60s. However, golfers also get more accurate as they age. Arccos golfers in their 60s and 70s hit more than 50 percent of their fairways, while no other age group hits more than half their fairways.
Golf Digest along with Arccos put together some great articles explaining this topic.
Source: Arccosgolf